Ed, your example has inspired me to begin speaking life over our city and state, though many may say it is hopeless. Thank you for teaching us how to come into alignment with God’s redemptive plan for our region and for the whole nation. A blessed 79th birthday to you!
Mark Lodewyk
June 11, 2024 at 8:54 am
Father Ed, blessings to you on this your birthday. God continues to use you, to bless you and to make His face shine upon you. Thank you for your love, your care and for the personal guidance you have given to Natalie and me. May God continue to bless you and Mama Ruth for many more amazing decades as we praise His name together!
Mark Lodewyk
Will Parker
June 11, 2024 at 8:54 am
I heard a life changing message 20 years or more ago about paradigm shifts – there is one church in the city; the church was conceived in the upper room but born on the streets; and a third one which I can’t remember at the moment! Thank you!
Kim Bujuklian
June 11, 2024 at 8:54 am
Happy 79th birthday Ed!
You have been such an impactful, amazing Kingdom leader for myself and my family!
Thank you for leading the way of what it means to be a Christ follower and His example to all around you! May God continue to bless you and your precious family abundantly! And May He continue to guide you, strengthen you and lead your ministry to honoring and glorifying Himself to the world, through you!! Have a blessed and wonderful birthday!! We love you and Ruth! Bless you!!
Happy and VERY Blessed 79th Birthday, Ed!!!
YES – You changed my prayer life forever!! Very Grateful for your teaching and amazing efforts to raise up the Ekklesia for Such a time as this!!
nadine aquino
June 11, 2024 at 9:43 am
Hauoli la hanau, Mr Ed Silvio’s from beautiful Hawaii wish many years as God our redeemer allows it
Mahalo nui loa for a inspiration and mentorship
Bless you with great abundance in health
Aloha Ms Nadine Aquino
Happy 79th Birthday, Ed! Thank you for your fatherly imparting into my life during the years I was most closely associated with you. Your wisdom and friendship have impacted me gloriously. I pray that I and others may carry the legacy of what you have already released so well, together with the same zeal and great glory for what is coming, by God’s glorious grace! MORE, Lord!!!
I read your book ‘Anointed For Business’ over 23 years ago and it changed how I see business and how I see LIFE. God is in it ALL. It has directly impacted how we love our region. My husband and I have attended several TOWs and marvel at the power of encouragement through testimony. Thank you for serving the Body of Christ so generously. Happy Birthday!
David Wendorff
June 11, 2024 at 10:29 am
Happy Birthday Ed. My life is different because of you. You image the Lord so wonderfully and your heart to teach and model our call to have dominion on earth is tangible and inspiring. Though most don’t know, I am frequently teaching messages of transformation that you taught me. I taught in Singapore last year and will be in Ecuador in September sharing with young business leaders….thanks to you. But what I love about you the most is friendship, and your personal care you show to me and my family. David
King and Olive Flores
June 11, 2024 at 10:31 am
What a tremendous blessing to have met you and learned at your feet Father Ed. Your writings are truly divine downloads from the very heart of God. Our lives and the lives of others have been so impacted as you share them in word and in deed. They are so anointed, inspiring, encouraging and empowering that wherever and whoever hears them – lives and even ministries are definitely changed and transformed. There is no amount of money nor accolades from men that could pay you BUT God …. May the Lord continue to keep you and Mom Ruth in good health, with His peace and comfort in every battle, and more glorious victories ahead with full and overflowing provisions in Jesus name. Thank you so much for pouring your life to us. HAPPY 79th BIRTHDAY DAD.
Kay Snipes
June 11, 2024 at 10:54 am
Happy Birthday Ed! I celebrate your birth and all that you are to the body of Christ! Your revelations and wisdom has greatly impacted my life and pushed me further in my walk with Jesus!
EdDad! Happy, Happy Birthday. You have impacted so many lives in so many ways that your “treasure in heaven” will be overflowing. In my life, you have been a pivotal person who has modeled healthy fatherhood, organizational impact, and thought leadership. I can never thank you enough for the time that you have generously invested in me. For our movement, you have been a catalytic force for transformation that will echo through generations. Well done, good and faithful servant!
Julie Smith Buschmann
June 11, 2024 at 11:17 am
Thank you, our dad of Ekklesia, to lead and guide in such a magnificent way, Thank you for your love example to everyone that is blessed to come in your path. Thank you for your clarity of teaching to open new revelation guidance to me and a much needing world❣️
Julie Smith Buschmann
June 11, 2024 at 11:18 am
Thank you, our dad of Ekklesia, to lead and guide in such a magnificent way, Thank you for your love example to everyone that is blessed to come in your path. Thank you for your clarity of teaching to open new revelation guidance to me and a much needing world. Happy Birthday💗
Happy birthday, Ed! I was first inspired by your book, Anointed for Business, when I was a young manager in the corporate world. It gave me courage to invite the presence of Jesus into my office where others began to notice how peaceful it was. I was also honored to lead one of my coworkers to the Lord in that office. Later I learned from you about prayer walking the neighborhood, blessing each house you walk past – I still do that to this day! Our multicultural city is known for being unfriendly because of the lack of communication between different languages & cultures, but people tell me that our neighborhood is one of the friendliest and they don’t want to move away! This is a testimony to the power of God’s Love and goodness proclaimed and demonstrated by loving our neighbors. I often tell people how much you have inspired me and how much transformation has been seen around the world because of the things you have taught us. God bless you, Ed. You & Jesus working together have truly changed the world in your lifetime!
Happy, God-blessed, abundant life 79th birthday, Bro. Ed!
You have always been one of Alice’s and my favorites. You welcomed us into a larger ministry almost 40 years ago.
We have seen you impact this country, S Korea, and Argentina first-hand.
We pray that you will be blessed in every way to reach the spiritual goals the Father has given you.
May he keep you and your dear Ruth healthy and blessed!
Bruce and Carol
June 11, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Carol and I have been enriched, blessed and encouraged by you and your wife for so many years.
What a treat to finally meet you in Northfield recently.
Feliz Cumpleanos😄🌺
Bruce and Carol Anderson
Richfield, MN
Gail Watson
June 11, 2024 at 1:20 pm
June 11, 2024 at 2:37 pm
Happy Birthday, Ed! Thank you for all you do to bring God’s truth and transformational power to cities all over the world. We first met when I was in college, and I had the opportunity to go to Argentina with one of your teams. Not only did that experience change my life, but so did the kindness you and Ruth always showed me when you would visit North Carolina. Your kindness and humility left an incredible impression on me. I aspire to live the life you both have lived – always with God’s heart for transformation in mind. I’m grateful for who you are. Have the most blessed birthday! Here’s to many more years to bring our Abba even more glory!
Happy 79th Birthday! Wishing you an abundance of spiritual gifts and surprises that will encourage, equip and empower you for all your seasons yet ahead! Your book Anointed for Business deeply resonated with me when I was introduced to it years ago; it gave me the sense of coming home, having found my tribe of likeminded marketplace ministers. A heartfelt thank you!
Brian & Loureen Murphy
June 11, 2024 at 4:26 pm
A joyous 79th birthday to you! Whenever we think of you, the biblical phrase, “they go from strength to strength” immediately comes to mind. Each year, you surpass the previous with your zeal for the Lord, love for people worldwide, and insights you faithfully share with us. As that same psalm says, “Passing through the Valley of Baca (weeping), they make it a spring.” Over the years, we have seen you endure hardship and continue to allow the Living Water to well up within you so that the overflow saturates others with blessing. You and Ruth inspire and lead by example in all aspects of life. May our Father grant you your most fruitful year ever!
Louis and Karla Johnson
June 11, 2024 at 5:07 pm
What a blessing you and Mrs. Ruth are to the nations and the Kingdom. Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication. We consider it such an honor to have met you and learned from you. Feliz Cumpleanos de Alabama!
Jean Knox
June 11, 2024 at 6:21 pm
Happy 79th Birthday! Thank you, Ed Silvoso, for your courage and impartation into my life, and for seeing and speaking truth in so many ways. May God continue to bless you with strength and vision.
Ron Yoshida
June 11, 2024 at 7:52 pm
Aloha Ed,
Happy 79th! Mahalo for your sacrifice and service for the Kingdom of God! I am walking in my calling as an Evangelist because of your influence in my life. You are truly a role model of one who puts Jesus first in all things and one who walks with true humility. God bless you with many more years of ministry as we battle together to see ourselves, our families. our spheres of influence, and our world transformed for the glory of God.
Much love and Aloha,
June 11, 2024 at 8:15 pm
Happy Happy Birthday to a bold fierce yet humble man of God. May our Lord and Savior continue to bless you with energy, happiness and love for all . Thank you very much for your selfless enduring love for the lost
Searching for the hope only Christ can give
Happy 79th birthday Ed! Your passion for seeing lives changed as a result of global transformation just keeps getting stronger and stronger! You are an inspiration to so many and you always have words of vision and encouragement for the people you come into contact with across the world.. Thank you for impacting our lives! Love Derek and Dorothy x
June 12, 2024 at 7:05 am
Happy birthday to a legendary leader of faith and righteousness. The world has changed forever because you are in it! May God multiply and bless your endeavors and vision for this coming year!! The best is ahead!!
Dear Ed
Happy Birthday! There are so many things I’m thankful for.
Thank you for L’95. Thank you for saying yes when Joseph Garlington looked over to see if you approved of my repentance before him — even though you were nervous when you found out I was political. Thank you for your telephone call. Thank you for your reply to my trepidation, “But I’m a woman,” you said “It will be your strongest asset.” You were right. Thank you for welcoming me into your TOW, then HE family. You, more than any other person in my life, have mentored me in world transformation through your gift of communication, your word pictures and your books. Thank you for Luke 10. Thank you for “the Presiding Jesus.” And thank you for, “Let the Holy Spirit speak to you now.”
The Holy Spirit has spoken over and over through your and Ruth’s wonderful books. I’m so thankful to read through Ken that you are both teaching together now. As Bill Johnson called Ruth “the secret sauce,” I agree, but I know you’re stronger together. Thank you for the favor you have given me over the years. Thank you is not enough because I would have to write another book to detail the miracles we have experienced because of your teaching and your example. May you both continue to mentor the world with the tangible Presence of God, stamina and joy. With love, Ali-son
What an inspiring and motivating influence you are in the church today. We appreciate all you do for the Kingdom of God. We are excited how you are teaching all of us to continue to move forward with God has in this day. DON’T LOOK BACK!!1
Happy Birthday,
Tad & Treva Tankard
Harvest Church
Washington, NC
José Luis González
June 12, 2024 at 9:20 am
Feliz cumpleaños Edgardo. Que Dios te llene de alegría y bendiciones
Gracias por obedecer la voz de Dios y así transformar el mundo a través de la sabiduría que Dios te a dado
Abrazo grande
Otillia Kaikaka
June 12, 2024 at 10:37 am
Happy Birthday and wishing you all the love and joy you pour out to us all! In Jesus Precious Name, Many Rich Blessings!!!
David Sluka
June 12, 2024 at 12:11 pm
Ed, my life is different because of you. I’m grateful to the Lord that He directed my life into your sphere of influence. Thank you for being faithful to God’s call your life, and for caring for me and my family. I can’t help but be inspired and challenged any time I’m around you or hear you share. God bless you and multiply your efforts this year.
Happy birthday Ed. You are 94 days older than me. I thank the Lord for the day I heard you speak to a class of Doctor Peter Wagner at Fuller Seminary on 1991. And I drove into Los Angeles to find you in your hotel and you arranged for me to meet Victor Lorenzo a few weeks later in Argentina. And that journey changed my life. On my return to Australia I began taking groups to Argentina to your conference and finally arranged for you to come to Australia. And so many lives have been changed through it all. Thank you Ed for touching my life so deeply all because of your visit to a Peter Wagner classroom 33 years ago. I will think of you in 94 days when I celebrate my 79th birthday also. Say hi to Dave. Rod Denton
Kent and Beverly Mattox
June 12, 2024 at 1:21 pm
Happy Birthday, Ed! We celebrate you and the incredible impact you have had on so many lives, including ours, for Kingdom transformation! Your dedication to the Lord has touched thousands, guiding them toward a deeper, more meaningful and more effective relationship with God. Your willingness to pioneer with God- with unwavering faith, compassion, and wisdom- has been a beacon of hope and inspiration. Personally, we are deeply grateful for your influence. Your words and actions have encouraged us, strengthened our faith, and empowered us to pursue our own journey with renewed vigor and purpose. Alabama is forever changed by your influence and the impartation of the language of Ekklesia. As you celebrate this special day, may you be reminded of the countless lives you’ve touched and the profound difference you’ve made, with eternal, reverberating impact. May God continue to bless you abundantly, granting you strength, joy, and peace in the years ahead. The world is a better place because of you. Faithfully, Kent and Beverly Mattox
Erin Chinen
June 12, 2024 at 2:02 pm
Happy 79th Birthday, Papa Ed! Words can’t express how grateful and blessed I am by your life and obedience to the Lord. My life has been forever changed since I first experienced TOW in Argentina as a college sophomore. I physically felt the manifest presence of God in a whole new way on that mission’s trip. My heart burned with a passion for the lost like never before and I’ll never forget that. Being a Christian took on a whole new meaning when I learned how to be the Ekklesia, transforming myself, my family, an sphere of influence. Your teachings have impacted my family and our beloved Hawaii!!! May God bless you triple fold and grant you the desires of your heart! I love you so much!!
Your friendship has made me feel like one of the richest individuals in the world. It’s the way you love and honor that adds so much to our lives. I’m thankful. You have also inspired me to serve well, with purpose, with intentionality. It is so inspiring to see you give yourself so completely to the Lord, His assignment for you, and your family. I am in awe and moved to do the same. I’m thankful for the wisdom you have, your insights in scripture that the rest of us seem to miss, and the ability to impart our marching orders so clearly and effectively. It is really a gift to learn from you. Thank you for your loving friendship. I love you my friend.
Steve (means CROWN) Spaulding
June 12, 2024 at 6:08 pm
Father Ed, your life has ALWAYS been an inspiration for me…im now sitting in a hotel lounge in Hanoi in part because of your influence on my life…youve also had an influence on our marriage, that we are an “ekklesia” and that romance lasts to our dying days…i also sense that at my 66th bday Daddy quietly encouraged me that I am now done with 2/3 of my life! And that the best is yet to come…thank you, thank you. Thank you
Joy and Cal
June 12, 2024 at 9:05 pm
Dear Ed,
Cal and I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! 79? Awesome! The best is yet to come! You are such a great leader and we are so thankful for your wisdom and your stepping out in faith to follow the Lord. We are grateful for your father heart that is full of love and graciousness to us. Always! Mahalo, Ed. We love you.
Cal and Joy
Mary Ellen (and Alan) Davenport
June 13, 2024 at 1:04 am
Beloved Ed, From the first time we met you we were aware that God had given us much favor to sit under your teaching. No one has ever taught us more about kingdom mindset in every aspect of our lives. We think so often of Luke 11 and persons of peace, about speaking to God about them before you speak to them about God, about prayer walking and praying on the spot! Bless and Bless, do not curse. Forgive. Speak life and the power of the blood of Christ.
Thank you! Thank you for your excellent example of FAITHFULNESS to the Lord, to Ruth, to your family, and to the millions who have become bearers of the seeds you have cast.
We pray that your 79th will be your most spiritually profitable year yet, that you will see answers to prayers you have prayed for 50 years come to pass. May God bless you with anointed ears to “let the Holy Spirit speak to you”, and the resources to go and do what He speaks. Happy and Blessed Birthday!!!
ARK Architects David Galloway
June 13, 2024 at 4:12 am
Dear Ps Ed. A happy and powerfully blessed birthday to you. Thank you for all you do in bringing maturity to the body of Christ. Thank you for being an example to this generation to run the race and finish well. Thanks also for the Ekklesia Excelerator course which is changing so many lives – may our Father’s glory be upon this movement, to bring transformation and a knowledge of His power through the mighty name of Jesus. Shalom shalom.
Connie Moore
June 13, 2024 at 6:03 am
Peace and Blessings Dr. Ed! Happy Birthday! Thank you for your mighty perseverance! You are a shining light and awesome example of
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Thank you so much!👏🏽👏🏽🎂🎈🎊🎉
Christina Battisti
June 13, 2024 at 10:48 am
Dear Papa Ed,
Your life is a remarkable gift to me! Thank you for all your courageous and cumulative acts of faith to share the message God gave you. Coming alive to marketplace transformation has been invigorating and freeing, to say the least, and I pray for even deeper revelation for you to share with all your biological and spiritual children and grandchildren, of which I am humbled to count myself.
One of my most eye-opening takeaways from Prayer Evangelism was allowing the spoken blessing of the peace of Jesus to do warfare in the heavenlies on our behalf. What a revelation!
Of equal gravity was the revelation that I am the “minister” wherever I go, to the grocery store, at my job, or in the church. That bit eliminated the repeated identity crises of trying to figure out who to be in which atmospheres LOL.
You are a dear soul and I pray bushels of fun and love shower you on your 79th and in the year to come.
Big hugs and many blessings,
Christina Battisti
June 13, 2024 at 10:49 am
PS: I forgot to say, “I love you.” Sooo…., I love you.
You are a wonderful mentor and friend. We are so thankful for you! Thank you for teaching us how to use our apostolic gifts to serve the Kingdom of Heaven.
Georgette Obrien
June 13, 2024 at 2:57 pm
Happy Birthday Ed. My husband and I are somewhat new to your ministry, although you book, Why not Women, Annoited for Business, and prayer Evangelism , laid a foundation in me for where I am now. It started for us in Monterey, Hawaii, and then San Jose Global Conferences. After 40 years as a Christian , and 30 years in ministry, I finally found someone who put into language what Father has been teaching me, and along with that people who are actually doing it. Then on top of that, your example and legacy of family modeled so well in front of us all, re ignited why we became Christian in the first place. Now in the Excelator 2 group, I am longing for Excelator 3. Can’t get enough.
There is always a cost to be where you are, and I thank you for pioneering and leading the way. You and Ruth are a gem in Fathers crown. May your birthday be full of all that makes your heart come alive. Sending our love
Gail and Gordon Okuley
June 14, 2024 at 3:33 am
Blessings Ed! We certainly celebrate your life with deep gratitude for your remarkable impact on our lives since 2011when we first stepped into the arena of your teachings at the Newark conference, and everything shifted forever. The 5 pivotal paradigms became emblazoned in our minds, along with prayer evangelism, so that our daily lifestyle is centered around bless, bless, bless! In catching the vision for nations, we love the greatness of that top-down mentality.
We are thankful for your personableness to us all, even when we were the newcomers, recall your surprise to call us up the following year in Vallejo for your apostolic blessing over us. We revel in the memories of Argentina when you got on your knees in the prayer chapel to explain its incredible history to just the 2 of us. We praise God for His continual downloads of revelations to you and the energy to release them so powerfully. We are honored and blessed to call you “friend” which was sparked at a small breakfast table in Canada. We bless you, Father Ed with many, many more birthday celebrations at the helm of this great ship!
Bill West
June 14, 2024 at 7:59 am
Happy Birthday Ed. I am so grateful that the Lord allowed our lives to intersect over 25 years ago at a City Reaching School in New York City. You’re teaching that Citys could be reached was revolutionary. It literally changed my life and led me into the most productive season in my Christian experience. Working with your ministry “Harvest Evangelism” was an honor and a privilege. You taught me many wonderful things, but the most impactful was learning to “Listen To The Holy Spirit. “You Have left a giant footprint in your 79 years which will only get bigger as your journey continues.
Mary Upham Lathrop
June 14, 2024 at 11:08 am
Happy birthday dear Ed! I have such fond memories of you and Ruth— staring back in the early 80s. You have deeply impacted my life and I quote you frequently with the truths I’ve learned from you. We love you and your whole family. Many blessings to you and yours.
Robin Ventura
June 14, 2024 at 2:40 pm
Happy Birthday Ed! You have changed my life, and the lives of my family & friends. I am so thankful that God is still speaking to you & through you. Your obedience, your courage, your dedication to following God with your whole heart, are examples to the rest of us. God bless you and Ruth. More God, much more for the Silvosos!
Bobby Aitken
June 14, 2024 at 2:41 pm
Happy birthday Ed,
Thank you for the blessing you are to His Body.
Thank you for your faithfulness and service and for sharing what you have been shown with us so we can partner in thew expansion of His Kingdom.
Adrian Robertshaw
June 14, 2024 at 2:50 pm
First book I was given when I was saved, Annoited for business. Changed my life, bless you. Happy Birthday. 🙏❤️🔥
Kevin & Lori Mitchell
June 14, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Dear Papa Ed,
On this special day, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible impact you’ve had on our lives, our marriage, our business, and our ministry. Your influence has been nothing short of transformative, and we are profoundly grateful for every moment you’ve invested in us.
Your global ministry reaches countless lives, yet you graciously took the time to meet with us, disciple us, and impart wisdom that continues to shape our journey. Your vision has inspired us to dream bigger, and your mentorship has empowered us to step into the fullness of what God has created us to be.
As we celebrate your birthday, we reflect on the countless lives you’ve touched and the ripple effect of your faithfulness. You have shown us what true leadership looks like—full of grace, wisdom, and a deep love for God and His peopleLori and I want to extend our heartfelt “Happy Birthday”! May this not only be the best birthday ever, but may the next year be the best ever for you!
Rodney Hall
June 14, 2024 at 6:30 pm
As I have heard many times, to judge a leader, look at who is following.
Although I have only recently learned of your leadership, those who follow you inspire me with their Christlike ways and passion. Happy Birthday!
June C.
June 14, 2024 at 8:35 pm
Dear Ed–a faithful son of God, May the Lord take you to new levels of intimacy, revelation, dominion and fruitfulness as you begin your 79th year. Your example of love, humility and service frequently inspire me throughout life’s challenges. God bless you, Ruth, your natural and spiritual families. You are all a tremendous blessing throughout your spheres of influence. May He grant you the desires of your heart, and may your descendants inherit the earth.
Barb & Steve Chua
June 14, 2024 at 9:45 pm
Dear Ed, we are forever grateful for your impact and influence in our lives and overflowing from us into our family, church, community and beyond. Thank you for the privilege of partnering with you through the Excelerators – Levels 1 and 2 — and believing for even greater things at Level 3!! You continue to draw the best out of us. We bless you on your 79th birthday and wish you a joyous celebration! with our love
Johann du Preez
June 15, 2024 at 12:59 am
Dear Dr Ed, I stand amazed & rejoice it the heavenly anointing of wisdom, inspiration, clarification & simplification the the Lord has imparted to you.
I am so extremely grateful for how the Lord has taken you ahead of me in what He is revealing to me, releasing confirmation upon confirmation & so much more direction with expectation.
I write this with great appreciation of your anointed transformational apostolic ministry.
The Lord bless you with many more years of not just sowing, but also seeing the fruit of your labour.
With much love & many blessings.
Brent & Kiwi Bielenberg
June 15, 2024 at 5:09 am
We love you, Ed and pray God’s richest blessings of Joy, peace and continued endurance to see the Name of Jesus exalted and spread to the nations! Thank you for pouring your life into this amazing call….and for making this world Brighter!! Happiest of Birthdays!
David Monroy
June 15, 2024 at 8:42 am
Happy Birthday Ed! Here’s the Scripture the Lord prompted me to offer you:
“So Moses swore on that day, saying, ‘Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your children’s forever, because you have wholly followed the LORD my God.’ …; and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, … Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day; … the LORD will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the LORD said.” Joshua 14:9-12 (NKJV).
You’re not quite 85 but you are my Caleb and have been a spiritual father for me, for which I remain deeply blessed and forever grateful, and from which His Kingdom continues to advance. Shalom Ed, in Christ Jesus our Lord! David Monroy
Ed, you are truly unique, in such a wonderful way, as a Significant Leader in the Christian World Today. Your heart to be a giver, building us up, continuing to plow forward with the energy of a young man and following the leading of the Lord is truly a tremendous blessing and example to us. Thanks for all that you are and all that you do! Grateful & Sending Love on your Birthday! Dean, HollyKem & Moses
Michelle Whitcomb
June 15, 2024 at 10:48 am
Dear Mr. Silvoso I want to wish you a blessed birthday and thank you for your books and Excelerator course which are the best and so timely for right now. I love Ekklesia and bought a few so i can give out to people who will be blessed and take action from it. I love love what you are doing in the world right now. Its exactly what we need. Get everyone OUT OF the 4 WALLS!! Lets go!!!!!! Thank you so much. And may God keep blessing you with good health to continue on. Much love Michelle Whitcomb in Prince George. BC Canada.
Ellice Kapihe
June 15, 2024 at 12:28 pm
Happy Birthday Ed!
As we celebrate your special day, we want to take a moment to express how deeply grateful we are for you. Your influence in our life, family, and ministry has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Your courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication have not only inspired us but have also been a beacon of hope and strength for countless others. Ed, you are a true hero to us. Your steadfast faith and commitment to serving others have left an indelible mark on our hearts.
On this wonderful occasion, we honor, bless, and celebrate you. We also believe and trust that God has even greater blessings in store for you, your family, and your ministry. May His love and grace continue to guide and uplift you in all that you do.
With heartfelt gratitude and admiration, have a blessed 79th Birthday.
Aloha, the Kapihe’s
Randy & Robin Clark
June 15, 2024 at 2:35 pm
Hauoli la hanau (Happy Birthday) Papa Ed,
Our lives have stepped into another realm! Answers to prayers after 4 decades! Today, Randy and I are working together for the purposes of God, to love our city. Our hands are literally in the dirt of rebuilding homes and lives for the Kingdom of God. Our perspective toward each other in our marriage, toward our kids & grandkids, our church family and our beloved city wouldn’t be as hopeful and nourished as we are experiencing right now. You are a pioneer in the Kingdom of God, your courage to step outside of the box and obey God and stretch the boundaries of all Christian norm, is like….hmmm JESUS for today! We love following your leadership, your “fathering” us to be our maximum best in godliness and love for others is so appreciated more than you know. We are inspired to give back to all, as we have been given. May this year be more powerful and full of strength and faith for you. Much blessing and love, Randy and Robin Clark
derk maat
June 15, 2024 at 3:48 pm
Dear Ed
happy 79th!!! God bless you on this wonderful day of celebration! May God give you many more years! Thankyou for all you have been and are in our relationship inspiring us to more than we have imagined!
Derk and Annita
Wanda Reichow
June 16, 2024 at 12:58 am
Ed, you are a blessing to the nations. Our Lord is incredibly pleased with all you do for Him, both here and around the world. This year for your birthday, He is giving you a very special gift — an unconditional promise that He will redeem your generational family line, providing them an anointing of the Holy Spirit throughout the generations that will not quit. His grace and mercy will be with your succeeding generations to continue the work you have started. He will be with you, and them, throughout eternity. This is His promise to you, and He will not fail.
We are grateful to God for you and all that you have accomplished throughout the decades. All heaven rejoices triumphantly in your faithful dedication to our Lord! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!
In His Grace,
Benjy M
June 17, 2024 at 7:50 pm
Happy 79th Birthday Ed!
What a joyous occasion it is today, to celebrate you on your birthday Ed! Ed, you are amazing! You are a global apostolic leader, paradigm-shifter, wise counselor, accomplished author, world-changer, exemplary husband, loving father and doting grandfather! I feel so honored and blessed to be part of this family and I thank God EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE that you came to invest in Canada back in the early 1990’s! My life has been immeasurably changed for the better as a result!
You have always helped me break through limited thinking, trusting God to provide as you commit to the process of moving ahead. I remember back when I had first moved to San Jose and you encouraged me to trust God for provision for college. All I could see was a big price tag which for me, at the time, was like a stop sign. You encouraged me to trust the Lord, commit to go for it and then helped facilitate me meeting Bryce Jessup. After a 30 minute meeting, you and I walked out of the his office and I had a scholarship in hand that got the ball rolling! I remember crying tears of joy, seeing God’s hand of provision at work. This is one example out of probably more than a hundred that I can think of where God has used you in this way! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for having 4 daughters! I’m glad you didn’t stop at 3 haha! You created an amazing context for Jesica and I to develop our relationship, first through being “special friends” then courting and finally marriage. What an amazing and blessed journey it has been so far! Your timely words of wisdom and loving counsel and encouragement along the way helped me SO MUCH!
Ed, I love your sense of humor and when you laugh so hard you can hardly speak! It blesses my exhorter heart so much. You are so cool, so fun, and tell such fun stories! Your positive outlook is truly an inspiration.
I look forward to the many more years of fun, fruitful ministry, adventures with God and the family and serving together.
Praying for ALL of God’s blessings upon you today and this coming year!
Benjy (your son!)
Tanya Mollenhauer
June 19, 2024 at 9:07 am
Happy birthday Ed,
Words don’t full touch the life long impact you have had on Nate and I and our girls and we pray generations to come in our family. We see everyday and all we are doing as transformation for the kingdom of God. Your energy and passion to give your all to each person, city and nation is contagious and so admirable! We pray that you are blessed this birthday year with even greater measure of heaven on earth! Love Nate, Tanya and family 💜
Lance & Maureen Howard
June 20, 2024 at 11:26 am
A belated Happy Birthday to you, “Everready Ed👏🙌🤗🕺🏻🤗
We have both been SO BLESSED by your books, your conferences, and anointings that you have passed on….that words don’t even seem adequate enough to express our gratitude!!🙏🙏
Thankfully, our Heavenly Father knows ALL of it,( Your sacrifices, your serving..etc), and it will be amazing someday to hear him say to YOU, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
We love you and your family SO MUCH!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
John Jackson
June 22, 2024 at 2:04 pm
Thank you Ed for your faithful leadership and ministry in the Body of Christ! Your impact on my life has been glorious and deep. Prayer, marketplace ministry, and recognizing the role of the Ekklesia have all been shaped and framed by you. You are a gift to us and we celebrate you personally and at Jessup!
June 23, 2024 at 2:37 pm
Ed, may this be an absolutely awesome birthday for you and may the Lord give you many more in service to Him!! t’s been such an honor to serve with you at Valley Christian!!
Ed, your example has inspired me to begin speaking life over our city and state, though many may say it is hopeless. Thank you for teaching us how to come into alignment with God’s redemptive plan for our region and for the whole nation. A blessed 79th birthday to you!
Father Ed, blessings to you on this your birthday. God continues to use you, to bless you and to make His face shine upon you. Thank you for your love, your care and for the personal guidance you have given to Natalie and me. May God continue to bless you and Mama Ruth for many more amazing decades as we praise His name together!
Mark Lodewyk
I heard a life changing message 20 years or more ago about paradigm shifts – there is one church in the city; the church was conceived in the upper room but born on the streets; and a third one which I can’t remember at the moment! Thank you!
Happy 79th birthday Ed!
You have been such an impactful, amazing Kingdom leader for myself and my family!
Thank you for leading the way of what it means to be a Christ follower and His example to all around you! May God continue to bless you and your precious family abundantly! And May He continue to guide you, strengthen you and lead your ministry to honoring and glorifying Himself to the world, through you!! Have a blessed and wonderful birthday!! We love you and Ruth! Bless you!!
Happy and VERY Blessed 79th Birthday, Ed!!!
YES – You changed my prayer life forever!! Very Grateful for your teaching and amazing efforts to raise up the Ekklesia for Such a time as this!!
Hauoli la hanau, Mr Ed Silvio’s from beautiful Hawaii wish many years as God our redeemer allows it
Mahalo nui loa for a inspiration and mentorship
Bless you with great abundance in health
Aloha Ms Nadine Aquino
Happy 79th Birthday, Ed! Thank you for your fatherly imparting into my life during the years I was most closely associated with you. Your wisdom and friendship have impacted me gloriously. I pray that I and others may carry the legacy of what you have already released so well, together with the same zeal and great glory for what is coming, by God’s glorious grace! MORE, Lord!!!
I read your book ‘Anointed For Business’ over 23 years ago and it changed how I see business and how I see LIFE. God is in it ALL. It has directly impacted how we love our region. My husband and I have attended several TOWs and marvel at the power of encouragement through testimony. Thank you for serving the Body of Christ so generously. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Ed. My life is different because of you. You image the Lord so wonderfully and your heart to teach and model our call to have dominion on earth is tangible and inspiring. Though most don’t know, I am frequently teaching messages of transformation that you taught me. I taught in Singapore last year and will be in Ecuador in September sharing with young business leaders….thanks to you. But what I love about you the most is friendship, and your personal care you show to me and my family. David
What a tremendous blessing to have met you and learned at your feet Father Ed. Your writings are truly divine downloads from the very heart of God. Our lives and the lives of others have been so impacted as you share them in word and in deed. They are so anointed, inspiring, encouraging and empowering that wherever and whoever hears them – lives and even ministries are definitely changed and transformed. There is no amount of money nor accolades from men that could pay you BUT God …. May the Lord continue to keep you and Mom Ruth in good health, with His peace and comfort in every battle, and more glorious victories ahead with full and overflowing provisions in Jesus name. Thank you so much for pouring your life to us. HAPPY 79th BIRTHDAY DAD.
Happy Birthday Ed! I celebrate your birth and all that you are to the body of Christ! Your revelations and wisdom has greatly impacted my life and pushed me further in my walk with Jesus!
EdDad! Happy, Happy Birthday. You have impacted so many lives in so many ways that your “treasure in heaven” will be overflowing. In my life, you have been a pivotal person who has modeled healthy fatherhood, organizational impact, and thought leadership. I can never thank you enough for the time that you have generously invested in me. For our movement, you have been a catalytic force for transformation that will echo through generations. Well done, good and faithful servant!
Thank you, our dad of Ekklesia, to lead and guide in such a magnificent way, Thank you for your love example to everyone that is blessed to come in your path. Thank you for your clarity of teaching to open new revelation guidance to me and a much needing world❣️
Thank you, our dad of Ekklesia, to lead and guide in such a magnificent way, Thank you for your love example to everyone that is blessed to come in your path. Thank you for your clarity of teaching to open new revelation guidance to me and a much needing world. Happy Birthday💗
Happy birthday, Ed! I was first inspired by your book, Anointed for Business, when I was a young manager in the corporate world. It gave me courage to invite the presence of Jesus into my office where others began to notice how peaceful it was. I was also honored to lead one of my coworkers to the Lord in that office. Later I learned from you about prayer walking the neighborhood, blessing each house you walk past – I still do that to this day! Our multicultural city is known for being unfriendly because of the lack of communication between different languages & cultures, but people tell me that our neighborhood is one of the friendliest and they don’t want to move away! This is a testimony to the power of God’s Love and goodness proclaimed and demonstrated by loving our neighbors. I often tell people how much you have inspired me and how much transformation has been seen around the world because of the things you have taught us. God bless you, Ed. You & Jesus working together have truly changed the world in your lifetime!
Happy, God-blessed, abundant life 79th birthday, Bro. Ed!
You have always been one of Alice’s and my favorites. You welcomed us into a larger ministry almost 40 years ago.
We have seen you impact this country, S Korea, and Argentina first-hand.
We pray that you will be blessed in every way to reach the spiritual goals the Father has given you.
May he keep you and your dear Ruth healthy and blessed!
Carol and I have been enriched, blessed and encouraged by you and your wife for so many years.
What a treat to finally meet you in Northfield recently.
Feliz Cumpleanos😄🌺
Bruce and Carol Anderson
Richfield, MN
Happy Birthday, Ed! Thank you for all you do to bring God’s truth and transformational power to cities all over the world. We first met when I was in college, and I had the opportunity to go to Argentina with one of your teams. Not only did that experience change my life, but so did the kindness you and Ruth always showed me when you would visit North Carolina. Your kindness and humility left an incredible impression on me. I aspire to live the life you both have lived – always with God’s heart for transformation in mind. I’m grateful for who you are. Have the most blessed birthday! Here’s to many more years to bring our Abba even more glory!
Happy 79th Birthday! Wishing you an abundance of spiritual gifts and surprises that will encourage, equip and empower you for all your seasons yet ahead! Your book Anointed for Business deeply resonated with me when I was introduced to it years ago; it gave me the sense of coming home, having found my tribe of likeminded marketplace ministers. A heartfelt thank you!
A joyous 79th birthday to you! Whenever we think of you, the biblical phrase, “they go from strength to strength” immediately comes to mind. Each year, you surpass the previous with your zeal for the Lord, love for people worldwide, and insights you faithfully share with us. As that same psalm says, “Passing through the Valley of Baca (weeping), they make it a spring.” Over the years, we have seen you endure hardship and continue to allow the Living Water to well up within you so that the overflow saturates others with blessing. You and Ruth inspire and lead by example in all aspects of life. May our Father grant you your most fruitful year ever!
What a blessing you and Mrs. Ruth are to the nations and the Kingdom. Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication. We consider it such an honor to have met you and learned from you. Feliz Cumpleanos de Alabama!
Happy 79th Birthday! Thank you, Ed Silvoso, for your courage and impartation into my life, and for seeing and speaking truth in so many ways. May God continue to bless you with strength and vision.
Aloha Ed,
Happy 79th! Mahalo for your sacrifice and service for the Kingdom of God! I am walking in my calling as an Evangelist because of your influence in my life. You are truly a role model of one who puts Jesus first in all things and one who walks with true humility. God bless you with many more years of ministry as we battle together to see ourselves, our families. our spheres of influence, and our world transformed for the glory of God.
Much love and Aloha,
Happy Happy Birthday to a bold fierce yet humble man of God. May our Lord and Savior continue to bless you with energy, happiness and love for all . Thank you very much for your selfless enduring love for the lost
Searching for the hope only Christ can give
Happy 79th birthday Ed! Your passion for seeing lives changed as a result of global transformation just keeps getting stronger and stronger! You are an inspiration to so many and you always have words of vision and encouragement for the people you come into contact with across the world.. Thank you for impacting our lives! Love Derek and Dorothy x
Happy birthday to a legendary leader of faith and righteousness. The world has changed forever because you are in it! May God multiply and bless your endeavors and vision for this coming year!! The best is ahead!!
Dear Ed
Happy Birthday! There are so many things I’m thankful for.
Thank you for L’95. Thank you for saying yes when Joseph Garlington looked over to see if you approved of my repentance before him — even though you were nervous when you found out I was political. Thank you for your telephone call. Thank you for your reply to my trepidation, “But I’m a woman,” you said “It will be your strongest asset.” You were right. Thank you for welcoming me into your TOW, then HE family. You, more than any other person in my life, have mentored me in world transformation through your gift of communication, your word pictures and your books. Thank you for Luke 10. Thank you for “the Presiding Jesus.” And thank you for, “Let the Holy Spirit speak to you now.”
The Holy Spirit has spoken over and over through your and Ruth’s wonderful books. I’m so thankful to read through Ken that you are both teaching together now. As Bill Johnson called Ruth “the secret sauce,” I agree, but I know you’re stronger together. Thank you for the favor you have given me over the years. Thank you is not enough because I would have to write another book to detail the miracles we have experienced because of your teaching and your example. May you both continue to mentor the world with the tangible Presence of God, stamina and joy. With love, Ali-son
What an inspiring and motivating influence you are in the church today. We appreciate all you do for the Kingdom of God. We are excited how you are teaching all of us to continue to move forward with God has in this day. DON’T LOOK BACK!!1
Happy Birthday,
Tad & Treva Tankard
Harvest Church
Washington, NC
Feliz cumpleaños Edgardo. Que Dios te llene de alegría y bendiciones
Gracias por obedecer la voz de Dios y así transformar el mundo a través de la sabiduría que Dios te a dado
Abrazo grande
Happy Birthday and wishing you all the love and joy you pour out to us all! In Jesus Precious Name, Many Rich Blessings!!!
Ed, my life is different because of you. I’m grateful to the Lord that He directed my life into your sphere of influence. Thank you for being faithful to God’s call your life, and for caring for me and my family. I can’t help but be inspired and challenged any time I’m around you or hear you share. God bless you and multiply your efforts this year.
Happy birthday Ed. You are 94 days older than me. I thank the Lord for the day I heard you speak to a class of Doctor Peter Wagner at Fuller Seminary on 1991. And I drove into Los Angeles to find you in your hotel and you arranged for me to meet Victor Lorenzo a few weeks later in Argentina. And that journey changed my life. On my return to Australia I began taking groups to Argentina to your conference and finally arranged for you to come to Australia. And so many lives have been changed through it all. Thank you Ed for touching my life so deeply all because of your visit to a Peter Wagner classroom 33 years ago. I will think of you in 94 days when I celebrate my 79th birthday also. Say hi to Dave. Rod Denton
Happy Birthday, Ed! We celebrate you and the incredible impact you have had on so many lives, including ours, for Kingdom transformation! Your dedication to the Lord has touched thousands, guiding them toward a deeper, more meaningful and more effective relationship with God. Your willingness to pioneer with God- with unwavering faith, compassion, and wisdom- has been a beacon of hope and inspiration. Personally, we are deeply grateful for your influence. Your words and actions have encouraged us, strengthened our faith, and empowered us to pursue our own journey with renewed vigor and purpose. Alabama is forever changed by your influence and the impartation of the language of Ekklesia. As you celebrate this special day, may you be reminded of the countless lives you’ve touched and the profound difference you’ve made, with eternal, reverberating impact. May God continue to bless you abundantly, granting you strength, joy, and peace in the years ahead. The world is a better place because of you. Faithfully, Kent and Beverly Mattox
Happy 79th Birthday, Papa Ed! Words can’t express how grateful and blessed I am by your life and obedience to the Lord. My life has been forever changed since I first experienced TOW in Argentina as a college sophomore. I physically felt the manifest presence of God in a whole new way on that mission’s trip. My heart burned with a passion for the lost like never before and I’ll never forget that. Being a Christian took on a whole new meaning when I learned how to be the Ekklesia, transforming myself, my family, an sphere of influence. Your teachings have impacted my family and our beloved Hawaii!!! May God bless you triple fold and grant you the desires of your heart! I love you so much!!
Your friendship has made me feel like one of the richest individuals in the world. It’s the way you love and honor that adds so much to our lives. I’m thankful. You have also inspired me to serve well, with purpose, with intentionality. It is so inspiring to see you give yourself so completely to the Lord, His assignment for you, and your family. I am in awe and moved to do the same. I’m thankful for the wisdom you have, your insights in scripture that the rest of us seem to miss, and the ability to impart our marching orders so clearly and effectively. It is really a gift to learn from you. Thank you for your loving friendship. I love you my friend.
Father Ed, your life has ALWAYS been an inspiration for me…im now sitting in a hotel lounge in Hanoi in part because of your influence on my life…youve also had an influence on our marriage, that we are an “ekklesia” and that romance lasts to our dying days…i also sense that at my 66th bday Daddy quietly encouraged me that I am now done with 2/3 of my life! And that the best is yet to come…thank you, thank you. Thank you
Dear Ed,
Cal and I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! 79? Awesome! The best is yet to come! You are such a great leader and we are so thankful for your wisdom and your stepping out in faith to follow the Lord. We are grateful for your father heart that is full of love and graciousness to us. Always! Mahalo, Ed. We love you.
Cal and Joy
Beloved Ed, From the first time we met you we were aware that God had given us much favor to sit under your teaching. No one has ever taught us more about kingdom mindset in every aspect of our lives. We think so often of Luke 11 and persons of peace, about speaking to God about them before you speak to them about God, about prayer walking and praying on the spot! Bless and Bless, do not curse. Forgive. Speak life and the power of the blood of Christ.
Thank you! Thank you for your excellent example of FAITHFULNESS to the Lord, to Ruth, to your family, and to the millions who have become bearers of the seeds you have cast.
We pray that your 79th will be your most spiritually profitable year yet, that you will see answers to prayers you have prayed for 50 years come to pass. May God bless you with anointed ears to “let the Holy Spirit speak to you”, and the resources to go and do what He speaks. Happy and Blessed Birthday!!!
Dear Ps Ed. A happy and powerfully blessed birthday to you. Thank you for all you do in bringing maturity to the body of Christ. Thank you for being an example to this generation to run the race and finish well. Thanks also for the Ekklesia Excelerator course which is changing so many lives – may our Father’s glory be upon this movement, to bring transformation and a knowledge of His power through the mighty name of Jesus. Shalom shalom.
Peace and Blessings Dr. Ed! Happy Birthday! Thank you for your mighty perseverance! You are a shining light and awesome example of
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Thank you so much!👏🏽👏🏽🎂🎈🎊🎉
Dear Papa Ed,
Your life is a remarkable gift to me! Thank you for all your courageous and cumulative acts of faith to share the message God gave you. Coming alive to marketplace transformation has been invigorating and freeing, to say the least, and I pray for even deeper revelation for you to share with all your biological and spiritual children and grandchildren, of which I am humbled to count myself.
One of my most eye-opening takeaways from Prayer Evangelism was allowing the spoken blessing of the peace of Jesus to do warfare in the heavenlies on our behalf. What a revelation!
Of equal gravity was the revelation that I am the “minister” wherever I go, to the grocery store, at my job, or in the church. That bit eliminated the repeated identity crises of trying to figure out who to be in which atmospheres LOL.
You are a dear soul and I pray bushels of fun and love shower you on your 79th and in the year to come.
Big hugs and many blessings,
PS: I forgot to say, “I love you.” Sooo…., I love you.
You are a wonderful mentor and friend. We are so thankful for you! Thank you for teaching us how to use our apostolic gifts to serve the Kingdom of Heaven.
Happy Birthday Ed. My husband and I are somewhat new to your ministry, although you book, Why not Women, Annoited for Business, and prayer Evangelism , laid a foundation in me for where I am now. It started for us in Monterey, Hawaii, and then San Jose Global Conferences. After 40 years as a Christian , and 30 years in ministry, I finally found someone who put into language what Father has been teaching me, and along with that people who are actually doing it. Then on top of that, your example and legacy of family modeled so well in front of us all, re ignited why we became Christian in the first place. Now in the Excelator 2 group, I am longing for Excelator 3. Can’t get enough.
There is always a cost to be where you are, and I thank you for pioneering and leading the way. You and Ruth are a gem in Fathers crown. May your birthday be full of all that makes your heart come alive. Sending our love
Blessings Ed! We certainly celebrate your life with deep gratitude for your remarkable impact on our lives since 2011when we first stepped into the arena of your teachings at the Newark conference, and everything shifted forever. The 5 pivotal paradigms became emblazoned in our minds, along with prayer evangelism, so that our daily lifestyle is centered around bless, bless, bless! In catching the vision for nations, we love the greatness of that top-down mentality.
We are thankful for your personableness to us all, even when we were the newcomers, recall your surprise to call us up the following year in Vallejo for your apostolic blessing over us. We revel in the memories of Argentina when you got on your knees in the prayer chapel to explain its incredible history to just the 2 of us. We praise God for His continual downloads of revelations to you and the energy to release them so powerfully. We are honored and blessed to call you “friend” which was sparked at a small breakfast table in Canada. We bless you, Father Ed with many, many more birthday celebrations at the helm of this great ship!
Happy Birthday Ed. I am so grateful that the Lord allowed our lives to intersect over 25 years ago at a City Reaching School in New York City. You’re teaching that Citys could be reached was revolutionary. It literally changed my life and led me into the most productive season in my Christian experience. Working with your ministry “Harvest Evangelism” was an honor and a privilege. You taught me many wonderful things, but the most impactful was learning to “Listen To The Holy Spirit. “You Have left a giant footprint in your 79 years which will only get bigger as your journey continues.
Happy birthday dear Ed! I have such fond memories of you and Ruth— staring back in the early 80s. You have deeply impacted my life and I quote you frequently with the truths I’ve learned from you. We love you and your whole family. Many blessings to you and yours.
Happy Birthday Ed! You have changed my life, and the lives of my family & friends. I am so thankful that God is still speaking to you & through you. Your obedience, your courage, your dedication to following God with your whole heart, are examples to the rest of us. God bless you and Ruth. More God, much more for the Silvosos!
Happy birthday Ed,
Thank you for the blessing you are to His Body.
Thank you for your faithfulness and service and for sharing what you have been shown with us so we can partner in thew expansion of His Kingdom.
First book I was given when I was saved, Annoited for business. Changed my life, bless you. Happy Birthday. 🙏❤️🔥
Dear Papa Ed,
On this special day, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible impact you’ve had on our lives, our marriage, our business, and our ministry. Your influence has been nothing short of transformative, and we are profoundly grateful for every moment you’ve invested in us.
Your global ministry reaches countless lives, yet you graciously took the time to meet with us, disciple us, and impart wisdom that continues to shape our journey. Your vision has inspired us to dream bigger, and your mentorship has empowered us to step into the fullness of what God has created us to be.
As we celebrate your birthday, we reflect on the countless lives you’ve touched and the ripple effect of your faithfulness. You have shown us what true leadership looks like—full of grace, wisdom, and a deep love for God and His peopleLori and I want to extend our heartfelt “Happy Birthday”! May this not only be the best birthday ever, but may the next year be the best ever for you!
As I have heard many times, to judge a leader, look at who is following.
Although I have only recently learned of your leadership, those who follow you inspire me with their Christlike ways and passion. Happy Birthday!
Dear Ed–a faithful son of God, May the Lord take you to new levels of intimacy, revelation, dominion and fruitfulness as you begin your 79th year. Your example of love, humility and service frequently inspire me throughout life’s challenges. God bless you, Ruth, your natural and spiritual families. You are all a tremendous blessing throughout your spheres of influence. May He grant you the desires of your heart, and may your descendants inherit the earth.
Dear Ed, we are forever grateful for your impact and influence in our lives and overflowing from us into our family, church, community and beyond. Thank you for the privilege of partnering with you through the Excelerators – Levels 1 and 2 — and believing for even greater things at Level 3!! You continue to draw the best out of us. We bless you on your 79th birthday and wish you a joyous celebration! with our love
Dear Dr Ed, I stand amazed & rejoice it the heavenly anointing of wisdom, inspiration, clarification & simplification the the Lord has imparted to you.
I am so extremely grateful for how the Lord has taken you ahead of me in what He is revealing to me, releasing confirmation upon confirmation & so much more direction with expectation.
I write this with great appreciation of your anointed transformational apostolic ministry.
The Lord bless you with many more years of not just sowing, but also seeing the fruit of your labour.
With much love & many blessings.
We love you, Ed and pray God’s richest blessings of Joy, peace and continued endurance to see the Name of Jesus exalted and spread to the nations! Thank you for pouring your life into this amazing call….and for making this world Brighter!! Happiest of Birthdays!
Happy Birthday Ed! Here’s the Scripture the Lord prompted me to offer you:
“So Moses swore on that day, saying, ‘Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your children’s forever, because you have wholly followed the LORD my God.’ …; and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, … Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day; … the LORD will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the LORD said.” Joshua 14:9-12 (NKJV).
You’re not quite 85 but you are my Caleb and have been a spiritual father for me, for which I remain deeply blessed and forever grateful, and from which His Kingdom continues to advance. Shalom Ed, in Christ Jesus our Lord! David Monroy
Ed, you are truly unique, in such a wonderful way, as a Significant Leader in the Christian World Today. Your heart to be a giver, building us up, continuing to plow forward with the energy of a young man and following the leading of the Lord is truly a tremendous blessing and example to us. Thanks for all that you are and all that you do! Grateful & Sending Love on your Birthday! Dean, HollyKem & Moses
Dear Mr. Silvoso I want to wish you a blessed birthday and thank you for your books and Excelerator course which are the best and so timely for right now. I love Ekklesia and bought a few so i can give out to people who will be blessed and take action from it. I love love what you are doing in the world right now. Its exactly what we need. Get everyone OUT OF the 4 WALLS!! Lets go!!!!!! Thank you so much. And may God keep blessing you with good health to continue on. Much love Michelle Whitcomb in Prince George. BC Canada.
Happy Birthday Ed!
As we celebrate your special day, we want to take a moment to express how deeply grateful we are for you. Your influence in our life, family, and ministry has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Your courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication have not only inspired us but have also been a beacon of hope and strength for countless others. Ed, you are a true hero to us. Your steadfast faith and commitment to serving others have left an indelible mark on our hearts.
On this wonderful occasion, we honor, bless, and celebrate you. We also believe and trust that God has even greater blessings in store for you, your family, and your ministry. May His love and grace continue to guide and uplift you in all that you do.
With heartfelt gratitude and admiration, have a blessed 79th Birthday.
Aloha, the Kapihe’s
Hauoli la hanau (Happy Birthday) Papa Ed,
Our lives have stepped into another realm! Answers to prayers after 4 decades! Today, Randy and I are working together for the purposes of God, to love our city. Our hands are literally in the dirt of rebuilding homes and lives for the Kingdom of God. Our perspective toward each other in our marriage, toward our kids & grandkids, our church family and our beloved city wouldn’t be as hopeful and nourished as we are experiencing right now. You are a pioneer in the Kingdom of God, your courage to step outside of the box and obey God and stretch the boundaries of all Christian norm, is like….hmmm JESUS for today! We love following your leadership, your “fathering” us to be our maximum best in godliness and love for others is so appreciated more than you know. We are inspired to give back to all, as we have been given. May this year be more powerful and full of strength and faith for you. Much blessing and love, Randy and Robin Clark
Dear Ed
happy 79th!!! God bless you on this wonderful day of celebration! May God give you many more years! Thankyou for all you have been and are in our relationship inspiring us to more than we have imagined!
Derk and Annita
Ed, you are a blessing to the nations. Our Lord is incredibly pleased with all you do for Him, both here and around the world. This year for your birthday, He is giving you a very special gift — an unconditional promise that He will redeem your generational family line, providing them an anointing of the Holy Spirit throughout the generations that will not quit. His grace and mercy will be with your succeeding generations to continue the work you have started. He will be with you, and them, throughout eternity. This is His promise to you, and He will not fail.
We are grateful to God for you and all that you have accomplished throughout the decades. All heaven rejoices triumphantly in your faithful dedication to our Lord! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!
In His Grace,
Happy 79th Birthday Ed!
What a joyous occasion it is today, to celebrate you on your birthday Ed! Ed, you are amazing! You are a global apostolic leader, paradigm-shifter, wise counselor, accomplished author, world-changer, exemplary husband, loving father and doting grandfather! I feel so honored and blessed to be part of this family and I thank God EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE that you came to invest in Canada back in the early 1990’s! My life has been immeasurably changed for the better as a result!
You have always helped me break through limited thinking, trusting God to provide as you commit to the process of moving ahead. I remember back when I had first moved to San Jose and you encouraged me to trust God for provision for college. All I could see was a big price tag which for me, at the time, was like a stop sign. You encouraged me to trust the Lord, commit to go for it and then helped facilitate me meeting Bryce Jessup. After a 30 minute meeting, you and I walked out of the his office and I had a scholarship in hand that got the ball rolling! I remember crying tears of joy, seeing God’s hand of provision at work. This is one example out of probably more than a hundred that I can think of where God has used you in this way! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for having 4 daughters! I’m glad you didn’t stop at 3 haha! You created an amazing context for Jesica and I to develop our relationship, first through being “special friends” then courting and finally marriage. What an amazing and blessed journey it has been so far! Your timely words of wisdom and loving counsel and encouragement along the way helped me SO MUCH!
Ed, I love your sense of humor and when you laugh so hard you can hardly speak! It blesses my exhorter heart so much. You are so cool, so fun, and tell such fun stories! Your positive outlook is truly an inspiration.
I look forward to the many more years of fun, fruitful ministry, adventures with God and the family and serving together.
Praying for ALL of God’s blessings upon you today and this coming year!
Benjy (your son!)
Happy birthday Ed,
Words don’t full touch the life long impact you have had on Nate and I and our girls and we pray generations to come in our family. We see everyday and all we are doing as transformation for the kingdom of God. Your energy and passion to give your all to each person, city and nation is contagious and so admirable! We pray that you are blessed this birthday year with even greater measure of heaven on earth! Love Nate, Tanya and family 💜
A belated Happy Birthday to you, “Everready Ed👏🙌🤗🕺🏻🤗
We have both been SO BLESSED by your books, your conferences, and anointings that you have passed on….that words don’t even seem adequate enough to express our gratitude!!🙏🙏
Thankfully, our Heavenly Father knows ALL of it,( Your sacrifices, your serving..etc), and it will be amazing someday to hear him say to YOU, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
We love you and your family SO MUCH!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Ed for your faithful leadership and ministry in the Body of Christ! Your impact on my life has been glorious and deep. Prayer, marketplace ministry, and recognizing the role of the Ekklesia have all been shaped and framed by you. You are a gift to us and we celebrate you personally and at Jessup!
Ed, may this be an absolutely awesome birthday for you and may the Lord give you many more in service to Him!! t’s been such an honor to serve with you at Valley Christian!!